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As we take a slow and careful approach to re-opening our clinic, we would like all of our clients to take note of our policy.  This policy is in place for the protection of your child and family, our staff and the broader community.

  • We ask that all clients visiting the clinic remain in their car and text back to the SMS reminder message advising that you have arrived. Your therapist will come out to meet you and bring your child into their session.  This is to avoid crowding in our waiting area and ensure social distancing.
  • At the end of the session, your OT will bring your child back to the car.
  • If you are required to bring other children with you, we ask that they do not attend the session. You may wait in the car or go for a walk with your other children. 
  • Only one adult may attend the session with the child.
  • We ask that all people entering the clinic sanitize their hands on arrival and when leaving.
  • Our team will disinfect rooms between sessions.
  • We ask that you cancel your in-person session if you, your child or any member of the household has been unwell OR if you have been in contact with anyone who has been in quarantine or anyone that has travelled from Victoria or overseas. Telehealth sessions are available as an alternative.